GooMover now supporting a national movement – New partnership with #DontMessWithOurKids
Don’t Mess With Our Kid’s is now a national movement to fight the sexualizing of children in public schools. TransGendering as well as Sexual Reassignment surgeries and procedures have been introduced to the under developed minds of children as young as grade school, and in some cases even without the parents knowledge or against the parents will. Our nation is in a crisis – families are being ripped apart at the seams by an agenda determined to sexualize our kids. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. Mama bears across the nation are rising up to join the #dontmesswithourkids movement and pray, fast, and stand for their families. The #DontMessWithOurKids organization is inviting one million women and their families to stand with them in truth and love at their state capitals on April 13, 2024, and collectively in the fall of 2024 on the National Mall in Washington, D.C.
In August of 2023 the president and inventor of GooMover, Gene Ruble, heard about the movement, and as a father of two daughters he felt he could not sit by, while a minority group of predators in the public school system were sexually grooming children. Gene’s wife was watching a Fort Worth talk show, sponsored by Kenneth Copeland Ministries, called Flash Point. While she was watching the August 1st broadcast he over heard one of the commentators named Lance Wallnau challenge Mike Lindell to get behind the “Mama Bear” movement with some products to help fund them, so they could fight the sexualization of children. Gene realized that his product the GooMover was the ultimate product a mother with small children could use, so he reached out to Mike Lindell’s online shopping store, “My Store”. Mike’s team loved the product and started the process of onboarding the product to their online shopping store, which will soon be carrying the product. He also reached out to the leaders of the movement and together they launched a sales initiative to donate 5% of the sale of each unit to help fund the #DontMessWithOurKids organization. When the manufacturer of GooMover, GreenLeaf Industries in Lenoir City, TN heard about the contribution the owner, Lawrence Segrest, said “We want to match that amount”, which increased the donation to 10% for every unit.
Get in a small prayer group of your choice, pray with us and hear the vision in a city near you on the Her Voice Freedom Tour, and gather in your state capital on April 13, 2024!
Join the national fast (choose the fasting type that works for you: Daniel, juice, water, sugar, etc.) from April 11-13, 2024.
Use your voice in your community to bring about change and join us for two prayer gatherings: State capital gathering on April 13, 2024 AND one million women and their families on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., in the fall of 2024!
Thank you for considering a gift to help us fund this movement and the expenses that come with renting the National Mall in Washington, D.C.!
Scan the QR code below to visit our website and click “GIVE” to help us directly fund the expenses of the movement!

Goomover LLC has partnered with #DontMessWithOurKids
Your purchase Donates 10% of all sales
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